Helium 10 Mobile App: Benefits, How To Download & Use?

If you’re an Amazon seller looking to take your business to new heights, the Helium 10 Mobile App is your secret weapon. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the benefits of the helium 10 mobile app, providing you with real-time updates, profit tracking, keyword research, and so much more.

Imagine having the ability to monitor your Amazon business anytime, anywhere, with just a few taps on your smartphone or tablet.

Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the move, the Helium 10 Mobile App offers convenience and insights that can make a significant difference in your success as a seller.

Join us as we explore the numerous features and tools this app has to offer, enabling you to stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions on the fly.

It’s time to revolutionize the way you manage your Amazon business – let’s dive into the world of the Helium 10 Mobile App!

Benefits of the Helium 10 Mobile App:

The Helium 10 Mobile App offers a range of benefits and features that allow you to effectively manage and monitor your Amazon business on the go. With this app, you can stay up-to-date with your Amazon business anytime and anywhere.

You can check your profits throughout the day, ensuring that you’re always aware of how your business is performing.

Additionally, the app allows you to find relevant keywords that can boost your product’s visibility. You can also view precise sales and trends, giving you valuable insights into your business’s performance.

Helium 10 Mobile App

Furthermore, the app provides account alerts, notifying you of any important updates or changes in your Amazon account. You can also monitor your ad performance, ensuring that your advertising campaigns are effective.

With all this information at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions on the go, optimizing your Amazon business for success.

Moreover, the Helium 10 Mobile App allows you to access important features from the desktop version. This means that you have all the tools you need to manage and grow your Amazon business right on your mobile device.

Whether you’re at home or on the move, you can rely on the Helium 10 Mobile App to keep your Amazon business running smoothly.

Stay Up-To-Date With Your Amazon Business:

Want to stay up-to-date with your Amazon business at all times? With the Helium 10 Mobile App, you can easily keep track of your business no matter where you are. Here are five ways the app helps you stay in the loop:

  • Real-time profits: Check your profits throughout the day, allowing you to monitor your financial performance on the go.
  • Keyword research: Find relevant keywords for your Amazon listings, helping you optimize your product listings and improve visibility.
  • Sales and trends: View precise sales data and trends, enabling you to make informed decisions about your product inventory and marketing strategies.
  • Account alerts: Receive account alerts, ensuring that you stay on top of any important notifications or issues with your Amazon seller account.
  • Ad performance monitoring: Keep an eye on the performance of your Amazon ads, allowing you to optimize your advertising campaigns for maximum results.

Check Profits Throughout the Day:

To stay on top of your Amazon business, easily track your profits throughout the day with the Helium 10 Mobile App. This powerful tool allows you to monitor your profits in real-time, giving you up-to-date information on how your business is performing.

With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can access the Profits tab on the app and view detailed insights into your sales and profit margins. Whether you’re at home, at the office, or on the go, the Helium 10 Mobile App ensures that you never miss a beat when it comes to your Amazon business.

Checking your profits throughout the day is crucial for making informed decisions and staying ahead of the competition. With the Helium 10 Mobile App, you can easily track your sales and profit trends, allowing you to identify any fluctuations or patterns in your business. This information can help you adjust your strategies and optimize your listings to maximize your profits.

Additionally, the app provides you with account alerts, so you can stay updated on important events or changes in your Amazon seller account.

Don’t let your profits slip through the cracks. Download the Helium 10 Mobile App today and take control of your Amazon business like never before. With the ability to check your profits throughout the day, you’ll always be in the know and ready to take action to grow your business.

Find Relevant Keywords:

Discovering the most relevant keywords is made simple with the Helium 10 Mobile App. Here are five ways the app can help you find the keywords you need to optimize your Amazon listings:

  • Keyword Research: Use the app to conduct in-depth keyword research and discover high-volume, low-competition keywords that can improve your product visibility.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyze your competitors’ keywords and see which ones are driving the most traffic and sales. Gain insights into their strategies and stay one step ahead.
  • Keyword Tracking: Track the performance of your chosen keywords over time. Monitor their rankings and make adjustments to improve your search visibility.
  • Keyword Suggestions: Get keyword suggestions based on popular search terms related to your product. Expand your keyword list and target a wider audience.
  • Reverse ASIN: Enter an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) and discover the keywords that are driving traffic to that specific product. Uncover hidden opportunities and optimize your listings accordingly.

With the Helium 10 Mobile App, you have the power to find the most relevant keywords for your Amazon listings at your fingertips. Stay ahead of the competition and maximize your product visibility with the app’s comprehensive keyword research tools.

View Precise Sales and Trends:

With the Helium 10 Mobile App, you can easily access precise sales and trends data for your Amazon business. This feature allows you to stay updated on the performance of your products and make informed decisions on the go.

By viewing the precise sales and trends data, you can track the success of your products in real time and identify any trends or patterns that may be impacting your sales. This information is crucial for understanding the market demand and adjusting your strategies accordingly.

The app provides you with detailed insights into your sales performance, including information about the number of units sold, revenue generated, and the overall trend of your sales over a specific period.

By having access to this data at your fingertips, you can effectively monitor the performance of your Amazon business and take proactive measures to optimize your sales and maximize profitability.

Receive Account Alerts:

If you want to stay informed about important updates and changes to your Amazon seller account, the Helium 10 Mobile App provides the feature to receive account alerts.

Here are five ways you can benefits of the helium 10 mobile app:

  • Get real-time notifications about changes in your seller metrics, such as sales, reviews, and customer feedback.
  • Receive alerts about changes in your listing’s Buy Box status, ensuring that you’re aware of any potential issues or opportunities.
  • Stay informed about any policy violations or account suspensions, allowing you to take immediate action to resolve them.
  • Get notified about new customer messages, so you can respond promptly and provide excellent customer service.
  • Receive alerts about changes in your PPC campaigns, such as impressions, clicks, and ad spending, helping you optimize your advertising strategy.

With these account alerts, you can stay on top of your Amazon business and address any issues or opportunities promptly. The Helium 10 Mobile App ensures that you have the information you need, wherever you are, so you can make informed decisions and take actions to drive your business forward.

Monitor Ad Performance:

To effectively track and optimize your advertising campaigns, utilize the Helium 10 Mobile App’s feature to monitor your ad performance in real time. This powerful tool allows you to stay on top of your ad campaigns and make data-driven decisions on the go.

By monitoring your ad performance, you can identify what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to adjust your strategies accordingly.

Helium 10 Mobile App

With the Helium 10 Mobile App, you can access a comprehensive dashboard that provides you with key metrics and insights into your ad performance. The app allows you to track important data such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and ad spending.

This real-time data enables you to analyze the effectiveness of your ads and make informed decisions to optimize your campaigns.

To give you a better understanding of the app’s ad performance monitoring capabilities, here is a table outlining the key metrics you can track:

ImpressionsNumber of times your ad is shownMeasure brand visibility
ClicksNumber of times your ad is clickedAssess ad engagement
ConversionsNumber of times a desired action is takenEvaluate ad effectiveness

Make Informed Decisions on the Go:

Stay informed and make informed decisions about your Amazon business while on the go with the Helium 10 Mobile App. With this powerful tool at your fingertips, you can access important features of the desktop version and stay updated on the latest trends and sales data.

Here are five ways the Helium 10 Mobile App can help you make informed decisions on the go:

  • Monitor your profits throughout the day, allowing you to stay on top of your business’s financial health.
  • Find relevant keywords to improve your product listings and increase visibility.
  • View precise sales and trends, giving you valuable insights into your sales performance.
  • Receive account alerts, ensuring that you never miss any important updates or notifications.
  • Monitor your ad performance, allowing you to optimize your advertising campaigns and maximize your return on investment.

With the Helium 10 Mobile App, you can access these features and make informed decisions anytime, anywhere.

Access Important Desktop Features:

Now that you understand how the Helium 10 Mobile App can help you make informed decisions on the go, let’s explore how you can access important features from the desktop version.

The Helium 10 Mobile App allows you to access important desktop features through the Menus tab. In this tab, you’ll find additional features that aren’t available on the main tabs of the app.

For example, you can access webinars, guides, and news articles to stay updated with the latest information and strategies for your Amazon business. This can be particularly helpful when you’re on the move and want to stay informed about the industry.

Additionally, you can add a profits widget to your home screen for easy access. This widget allows you to quickly view your profits without having to open the app. It provides a convenient way to monitor your business performance at a glance.

Keep in mind that while the Helium 10 Mobile App offers access to important desktop features, there may be some limitations compared to the desktop version. Nevertheless, the app still provides valuable tools and insights for managing your Amazon business on the go.

Downloading the Helium 10 Mobile App:

You can download the Helium 10 Mobile App for free from either Google Play or the App Store. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:

  • Open the Google Play Store or the App Store on your mobile device.
  • Search for ‘Helium 10’ in the search bar.
  • Tap on the Helium 10 app from the search results.
  • Click on the ‘Install’ or ‘Get’ button to start the download.
  • Wait for the app to download and install on your device.

Downloading the Helium 10 Mobile App is a convenient way to have access to important features of the desktop version wherever you are. So, go ahead and download the app to start maximizing your Amazon business potential on the move.

Connecting Your Amazon Seller Account:

After successfully downloading and installing the Helium 10 Mobile App, the next step is to connect your Amazon seller account to fully access its features.

To do this, open the app and sign in using your email or Magic Link. Once you’re logged in, navigate to the settings menu and select the ‘Connect Your Amazon Seller Account’ option.

From there, you’ll be guided through the process of linking your Amazon seller account to your Helium 10 account.

It is important to note that connecting your Amazon seller account is necessary to access all of the app’s features. Make sure you have a stable internet connection or available data, as this is required for the Magic Link sign-in method.

Watching a Tutorial for Account Connection:

To familiarize yourself with the process of connecting your Amazon seller account, you have the option to watch a tutorial within the Helium 10 Mobile App. Here are five key benefits of watching the tutorial:

  • Step-by-step guidance: The tutorial provides a detailed walkthrough of the account connection process, ensuring that you don’t miss any important steps.
  • Visual demonstration: By watching the tutorial, you can see exactly how each step is performed, making it easier to understand and follow along.
  • Time-saving: Instead of figuring out the account connection process on your own, the tutorial streamlines the process by providing clear instructions and eliminating guesswork.
  • Troubleshooting tips: If you encounter any issues during the account connection process, the tutorial may offer troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them quickly.
  • Confidence-building: By watching the tutorial, you can gain confidence in your ability to connect your Amazon seller account, knowing that you have followed the correct steps.

Importance of Connecting Your Seller Account:

If you want to fully utilize the benefits of the helium 10 mobile app, connecting your Amazon seller account is an essential step to take. By connecting your account, you gain access to a wide range of features and tools that can help you stay on top of your Amazon business while on the go.

One of the main advantages of connecting your seller account is the ability to check your profits throughout the day. With real-time updates, you can easily monitor your sales and trends, allowing you to make informed decisions on the fly. Additionally, the app provides you with alerts related to your account, ensuring that you’re always aware of any important changes or issues.

Furthermore, by connecting your seller account, you can also track the performance of your Amazon ads. This allows you to monitor the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and make necessary adjustments to optimize your results.

Ensuring Internet Connection for Magic Link Sign-In:

To ensure a seamless sign-in experience, make sure you have a stable internet connection or available data when using the Magic Link method on the Helium 10 Mobile App.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Check your internet connection: Before using the Magic Link sign-in method, ensure that you’re connected to a stable internet connection. This will prevent any interruptions during the sign-in process.
  • Use Wi-Fi whenever possible: If you have access to Wi-Fi, it’s recommended to use it for signing in to the Helium 10 Mobile App. Wi-Fi generally provides a more reliable and faster connection compared to mobile data.
  • Enable mobile data: If you don’t have access to Wi-Fi, make sure that your mobile data is turned on. This will allow you to use your mobile network to connect to the internet and sign in to the app.
  • Check your signal strength: Ensure that you have a strong signal strength on your mobile device. A weak signal can result in a slow or unstable internet connection, which may affect the sign-in process.
  • Close unnecessary apps: To optimize your internet connection, close any unnecessary apps running in the background. This will free up resources and improve the overall performance of your device.

Using the Helium 10 Mobile App:

Ensure a stable internet connection or available data to smoothly navigate and utilize the features of the Helium 10 Mobile App.

Once you have signed in to the app using your email or Magic Link, you can access the four main tabs: Profits, Keyword Tracker, Alerts, and Research. These tabs allow you to easily track and manage your Amazon business on the go.

The Profits tab enables you to check your profits throughout the day, while the Keyword Tracker tab helps you find relevant keywords to improve your product visibility.

The Alerts tab allows you to receive important account alerts, and the Research tab provides you with precise sales and trends data.

In addition to these main tabs, the Menus tab contains additional features from the desktop version of Helium 10. You can explore webinars, guides, and news articles to enhance your knowledge and stay updated with the latest industry trends.

You also have the option to add a profits widget to your home screen for quick and easy access.

It is important to note that while the Helium 10 Mobile App provides many useful features, some functionalities may be limited compared to the desktop version.

However, the app offers the convenience of managing your Amazon business on the go and receiving real-time updates, making it a valuable tool for Amazon sellers.

Signing in to the Helium 10 Mobile App:

To sign in to the Helium 10 Mobile App, simply enter your email or use the Magic Link provided. Here are five things you need to know about signing in:

  • Email sign-in: If you choose to sign in with your email, just enter the email associated with your Helium 10 account. This is a quick and easy way to access the app.
  • Magic Link sign-in: Alternatively, you can use the Magic Link provided. This method allows you to sign in without entering a password. Just click on the Magic Link sent to your email, and you’ll be automatically logged in.
  • Fast and secure: Whether you choose email sign-in or Magic Link sign-in, both methods are designed to be fast and secure. You can trust that your login information is protected.
  • Multiple devices: The Helium 10 Mobile App is available on both Android and iOS devices. You can sign in and access your account from your smartphone or tablet, giving you flexibility and convenience.
  • Seamless experience: Signing in to the app is just the beginning. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to navigate through the different tabs and access all the features and tools that Helium 10 has to offer.

Now that you know how to sign in, you’re ready to start using the Helium 10 Mobile App and stay connected to your Amazon business on the go.

Accessing the Main Tabs: Profits, Keyword Tracker, Alerts, and Research

Access the main tabs in the Helium 10 Mobile App to easily track your profits, monitor keywords, receive alerts, and conduct research for your Amazon business.

These main tabs include Profits, Keyword Tracker, Alerts, and Research.

In the Profits tab, you can stay updated on your Amazon business by checking your profits throughout the day. It allows you to view precise sales and trends, helping you make informed decisions on the go.

The Keyword Tracker tab is where you can find relevant keywords for your products. It helps you monitor the performance of your keywords and make necessary adjustments to optimize your listings.

The Alerts tab is where you can receive important notifications about your Amazon account, such as changes in your product listings or account health.

Finally, the Research tab is where you can conduct extensive research on keywords and products. You can explore additional tools like Keywords Beta and Adtomic to enhance your research capabilities.

With these main tabs, the Helium 10 Mobile App provides a comprehensive platform for managing and growing your Amazon business.

Tracking and Managing Your Amazon Business:

Stay on top of your Amazon business by tracking and managing it efficiently with the Helium 10 Mobile App. Here are five ways the app can help you stay organized and make informed decisions:

  • Get real-time updates: The app provides live updates on your sales, profits, and trends, allowing you to monitor your business’s performance on the go.
  • Track ad performance: Keep an eye on your advertising campaigns and monitor their effectiveness directly from your mobile device.
  • Receive account alerts: Stay informed about important notifications and alerts related to your Amazon seller account, ensuring you never miss any crucial updates.
  • Manage inventory: Use the app to keep track of your inventory levels and ensure you never run out of stock.
  • Communicate with customers: The app allows you to respond to customer messages and manage customer feedback, helping you maintain a positive reputation on Amazon.

Exploring Additional Features in the Menus Tab:

Now let’s explore the additional features available in the Menus tab of the Helium 10 Mobile App.

In the Menus tab, you’ll find a range of valuable resources to help you succeed in your Amazon business.

First, you can access webinars, guides, and news articles that are specifically designed to provide you with the latest industry insights and strategies. Stay updated with the ever-evolving world of Amazon selling and discover new techniques to boost your sales.

Additionally, you have the option to add a profits widget to your home screen for easy access. This allows you to quickly view your profits without having to navigate through the app. It’s a convenient way to stay informed about your business’s financial performance.

It’s important to note that while the Menus tab offers a variety of useful features, some functionalities may be limited compared to the desktop version. However, the Helium 10 Mobile App still provides you with essential tools to effectively track and manage your Amazon business, all from the convenience of your mobile device.

Enjoying Live Updates and Real-Time Tracking:

You can easily stay updated and track your Amazon business in real time with the Helium 10 Mobile App. Here are some features that will help you enjoy live updates and real-time tracking:

  • Get instant updates on your Amazon business while on the go.
  • Track your profits throughout the day with the Profits tab.
  • Find relevant keywords for your products using the Keyword Tracker.
  • View precise sales and trends to monitor your business performance.
  • Receive account alerts to stay informed about any changes or issues.

With these features, you can always stay on top of your Amazon business and make informed decisions wherever you are.

The Helium 10 Mobile App allows you to access important features of the desktop version, giving you the flexibility and convenience to manage your business from your smartphone or tablet.

Enjoy the convenience of real-time tracking and stay ahead of the competition with the Helium 10 Mobile App.

Research and Keyword/Product Research:

To conduct research and keyword/product research on the Helium 10 Mobile App, navigate to the Research tab. Here, you can find powerful tools to help you identify relevant keywords and conduct product research.

The Research tab allows you to search for keywords and products in different marketplaces, giving you a comprehensive view of the market. You can use the Keywords Beta tool to discover new keyword ideas and analyze their search volume and competitiveness. Additionally, the Adtomic tool provides valuable insights into your competitors’ advertising strategies.

To make your research process even more efficient, you can pin keywords or products for quick access in the Research tab. This way, you won’t have to search for them every time you want to analyze their performance.

It’s important to note that the Helium 10 Mobile App provides a streamlined version of the desktop features. While some functionalities may be limited compared to the desktop version, you still have access to powerful research tools that can help you make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Conducting Keyword and Product Research:

Start your keyword and product research on the Helium 10 Mobile App by navigating to the Research tab.

Here are five ways you can conduct effective research using the app:

  • Use the Search Bar: Enter relevant keywords or product ASINs to gather valuable data and insights.
  • Analyze Competitor Listings: Gain a competitive advantage by examining your competitors’ listings and identifying strategies that work.
  • Discover Trending Products: Stay ahead of the game by exploring the latest trends and finding potential winning products.
  • Utilize Filters: Refine your search results by applying filters such as price, review count, and sales rank to narrow down your options.
  • Evaluate Keyword Metrics: Access important keyword metrics like search volume, competition level, and trends to optimize your listing and increase visibility.

With these features at your fingertips, you can save time and make data-driven decisions to improve your Amazon business.

The Helium 10 Mobile App empowers you to conduct thorough keyword and product research anytime, anywhere.

Exploring Additional Research Tools:

When exploring additional research tools on the Helium 10 Mobile App, you can discover a wide range of features to enhance your Amazon business. Here are five tools you can use to take your research to the next level:

  • Keywords Beta: Dive deep into keyword research with this tool, which provides valuable insights into search volume, competition, and trends for specific keywords. Use this information to optimize your listings and improve your visibility on Amazon.
  • Adtomic: Analyze and optimize your Amazon advertising campaigns with Adtomic. This tool allows you to track your ad performance, monitor your ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale), and make data-driven decisions to maximize your ROI.
  • Marketplace Switch: Switch between different Amazon marketplaces to gather research, alerts, and profit data for multiple regions. This feature enables you to expand your business globally and adapt to different market conditions.
  • Trendster: Stay ahead of the competition by identifying market trends and seasonality patterns. Trendster provides visual representations of sales data, helping you make informed decisions about product selection and inventory planning.
  • Magnet 2.0: Generate a list of relevant and high-converting keywords with Magnet 2.0. This tool uses advanced algorithms to analyze search volume, competition, and relevancy, helping you optimize your listings and attract more organic traffic.

With these additional research tools, you can gain valuable insights, optimize your listings, and make data-driven decisions to grow your Amazon business. Take advantage of the Helium 10 Mobile App’s features to stay competitive and achieve success.

Switching to Other Marketplaces for Data Analysis:

To analyze data from different Amazon marketplaces, simply switch between regions using the Helium 10 Mobile App.

The app allows you to easily access research, alerts, and profit data from various marketplaces, giving you valuable insights into different regions. With just a few taps, you can switch between marketplaces and gather data to make informed decisions for your Amazon business.

To help you understand the benefits of switching between marketplaces, here is a table showcasing the potential growth opportunities in different regions:

MarketplaceBenefitsPotential Challenges
USLargest customer baseHigh competition
UKStrong purchasing powerSmaller market size
GermanyHigh demand for quality productsComplex tax and legal requirements
JapanTechnologically advanced marketLanguage and cultural barriers

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I Use the Helium 10 Mobile App on Both Android and iOS Devices?

Yes, you can use the Helium 10 mobile app on both Android and iOS devices. It is available for download from Google Play or the App Store. Stay connected to your Amazon business wherever you go.

Are There Any Limitations to the Features Available on the Helium 10 Mobile App Compared to the Desktop Version?

Yes, there are some limitations to the features available on the Helium 10 Mobile App compared to the desktop version. However, you can still track and manage your Amazon business, access research tools, and receive account alerts on the go.

How Does the Helium 10 Mobile App Compare to the Amazon Seller App?

The Helium 10 Mobile App offers more features than the Amazon Seller App, such as tracking profits, finding keywords, and monitoring ad performance. It’s a valuable tool for managing your Amazon business on the go.

What Are the benefits of the helium 10 mobile app for My Amazon Business?

The benefits of the helium 10 mobile app for your Amazon business include staying updated on the go, checking profits, finding keywords, viewing sales trends, receiving alerts, monitoring ads, and making informed decisions.

Can I Add a Profits Widget to My Home Screen for Easy Access to the Helium 10 Mobile App?

Yes, you can add a profits widget to your home screen for easy access on the Helium 10 Mobile App. Stay updated with your Amazon business and track your profits conveniently.


So there you have it! The Helium 10 Mobile App is a game-changer for Amazon sellers, allowing you to manage your business on the go.

With its multitude of features, you can stay up-to-date with your Amazon business, check profits throughout the day, find relevant keywords, view sales trends, and conduct product research.

It’s time to take your Amazon business to the next level with the convenience and power of the Helium 10 Mobile App.

Get ready to revolutionize your business today!

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